Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cleaning Closets

I love my job. I really do, but this year I was looking forward to spring break more than any other year. I had so much to do. Clean closets, go through the kids clothes, organize files, make phone calls, and did i mention I had to clean my closet???

So, Monday I started with the kids room. I organize their drawers and took out everything that they have outgrown. Then, I relaxed the rest of the day. I figured I had the rest of the week.
Tuesday. Wait. What did I do? Well I don't remember but not much because I would've remembered if it had been a productive day. Wednesday, was Manuel first T-ball game.
Thursday was Grandma Nena's Big B-Day.

Friday, we went to the movies and the rest of the weekend was dedicated to Easter celebration.
So, do you know what I was doing late at night before i went back to work??? yes, cleaning that darn closet.


O.k. so tomorrow in my world means maybe in a week, 2 weeks or a month later. As promised I have posted pictures of Manuel b-day below.

I had saved some clipping from a magazine last year that has lots of ideas for a "Carnival" theme party, but at the last minute Manuel said he wanted a Sponge Bob party. So, Sponge Bob it was.

Minus the cake. costco doesn't sell Character cakes.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baby Boy!!

Manuel turns the Big 5 today. Time really flies. I clearly remember not wanting to head to the hospital to be induce..I was really hoping that he would decide on his own that today was his day. It didn't happened naturally so with a little help with medicine, my handsome baby boy arrived 4 days past his due date..
Happy Birthday Manuel lupe!!!!
(Details on his birthday celebration tomorrow. I'm exhausted now)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Reality and Ashy

so I have been reading lately about "The Bachelor". Reviews are really good, and they said if you have never watched any of the bachelors, this is a must. It so happens that tonight was the big finale and I happen to be cruising the channels and decided to watch. Boy, was I hooked. I'm so glad I didn't watch from the beginning or it would have been one more thing to add to my Mondays. Between John and Kate plus 8, Intervention, The City and the Bachelor it would have been way too hard for me to keep up. Yes, I am a big REALITY t.v. fan... In fact, I think I only watch (so called) reality shows....and I love it.

Talking about Reality..

We took Ashlyn last week for her 15 month check up (well it was supposed to be two weeks ago, but I completely forgot. Doctor offices should know that you don't schedule a check up 3 months in advance without calling to remind them a day before and expect a busy mother of 3 to show up). Well turns out she is almost 27 lbs. Yes, nice and solid. She is growing up so fast.. In fact, she nows grabs a purse, keys and she hurries towards the door. I really need to buy some knob covers before she learns to open the front door.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cora Paige

Wow! 2 post in one day! I think that's a great start.

For the past few weeks, I have been reading a blog that i found through another blog who was requesting prayers. I have been touched so deeply and I'm sure you will too! Joel and Jess, a young couple is Kansas, just recently lost their precious little girl after a short battle (just 3 weeks) with cancer. In lue of flowers, they requested that people make donations towards a playground memorial that they hope to build. If you would like to contribute, you can make a purchase at Etsy (a wonderful site that sells only handmade items), and all proceeds go towards the Cora Paige playground memorial. This is precious little girl, a stranger to many, has been able to touch the lives of so many...

To read about Cora's story :

Here I go!

We don't get a lot of snow is our area. This is a treat

Since I spent so much time reading other people blogs, I figure I would start my own. I must admit I don't really know what i'm doing, and besides this new world of "bloggers" is all new to me. Yes, I have been out of the loop!! How, I don't now?? I think I am computer "savvy" but I just recently discover all these blogs. I think I can start with a few pictures..and hopefully I'll learn to navigate and learn the layouts.

In all seriousness, my attempt to start this blog is to keep family members updated on our daily lives. I have family that only gets to see the kids once maybe once or twice a year. My only regret is that I wished I had started when the kids were younger.. but it's always better late than never.